About the HOF
The North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame was established in 1996, with the first class inducted in 1997. The N.C. Soccer HOF is a 501(©)3 organization under the IRS Code. Partner organizations, with representation on the Board of Directors, represent youth soccer, adult soccer, referees and high school coaches. The purposes of the organization, as stated in the bylaws, are to promote and support the game of soccer in the State of North Carolina; to recognize and honor those persons who have made significant contributions to the game of soccer in the State of North Carolina; to solicit, receive and expend funds for the accomplishment of the above purposes; and to pursue any other purposes which the Board may deem appropriate. The North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame is administered by a Board of Directors of 13 members from which a four-person Executive Board of Directors is elected. Included on the BOD is one ex officio representative from each of the four partners: the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association, the North Carolina Soccer Referees Association, the North Carolina Soccer Coaches Association and the North Carolina Adult Soccer Association. From a list of suggested candidates, a formal list of nominees is compiled after September 1 of each year. The final list of nominees is selected at a meeting of the Board of Directors in late September. The final selection step is a vote by the 13 members of Board of Directors and all living members of the North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame. Consideration for nomination includes long-standing contributions and achievements in advancing soccer in North Carolina. Individuals to be considered may be players, coaches, referees and/or administrators. Length of service will be considered, as well as diversity of involvement. As of the January 26, 2019 induction dinner, the North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame has inducted 66 individual members. Of those fourteen are deceased. Five members … Hank Steinbrecher, Carla Overbeck, Anson Dorrance, Mia Hamm and Cindy Parlow Cone … are also members of the National Soccer Hall of Fame.

Board of Directors
NORTH CAROLINA Soccer Hall of Fame Board of Directors